K & M-art Białus And Catherine Martin Stolaś are two przyjaci Olek which about a year together tworzym ± jewelry. Catherine b akcyla caught from Mart y, for which the product byłsposobem jewelry to take a break from everyday worries and stress. For Catherine piercing is a way of creation itself and inflicting nawyrażenie joy to others through obdarowywaniezrobionymi their gifts. Did not complete any szkołyplastycznej professionally also occupy ± something else. Marta is a graduate of Hotel Management and worked in the Hotel Raddison narecepcji, Catherine ukończyłaPedagogikę the University of Wroclaw, and for two years pracowaław optical plant.
Each n their is different, each creates a different style. Catherine Links y kamieniepółszlachetne glass beads and wire, waving in the tangled forms, Marta bazujena simpler forms through which vehicles and creating elaborate designs.
Each n their is different, each creates a different style. Catherine Links y kamieniepółszlachetne glass beads and wire, waving in the tangled forms, Marta bazujena simpler forms through which vehicles and creating elaborate designs.
zdobyprzez O n e tylkokolczyki not performed, but also pendants, bracelets and strings of beads. Girls are tara it to combine different materials such as glass, plastics, shells and masęperłową, wood and metal with wire, steel wire, czysznurka. Each product is unique and we have a policy not to powtarzaćwzorów.
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