Monday, November 15, 2010

Boobs That Are Not Covered

Monika Wodarz artist, a philosopher, a Renaissance man ... Nothing that handicraft niejest the alien. Paintings, drawings, prints, quilts, sewing dlaprzyjaciół, puppets, set design, butafora. As a "wolnystrzelec" cooperates with the theaters and Wroclaw AkademiąSztuk Arts (assistance in the implementation of costumes for the play As part of the integration of art university in Wroclaw). DlaWrocławskiego Puppet Theatre has created such dospektaklu caterpillar costumes "What's hot ( ) and Columbine (puppets) in the" Fire "by Joseph Haydn (
). As she says: "The things I need help to be born - just helping them to IJA.


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