Monday, March 28, 2011

How To Dispose Of Headlight Bulbs

Hey! Is anybody here?

Hey! Is anybody here? Jostein Gaarder captivates us
simplicity and serene atmosphere, encouraging adults and children to the common reading and fun. Joakim book heroes and Mika
ask themselves these questions:
Is there life on other planets?
Where did the world?
Can dreams come true?
Do animals can think?
Such doubts have also participants of the next meeting Books Discussion Club describing his dreams, memories and life situations with which they had to face.

my feelings, emotions and experiences of children had transferred to the paper.
formed an interesting and surprising color and interpretation

The next meeting of the Club
April 20 (Wednesday), at. 16.30
talk about the book Liliana Bardijewska Eight house of secrets.


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