Today I wanted to thank you for so many Little heat, so much good words, so many comments, so many emails, for all four cards and gifts which I graciously. I feel honored!
touching me your wishes, your memory! THANK
Our beloved Halina "May" twice me a gift of miracles!
got a beautiful anioleczka, whose Halina had done the same for me, coupon s Christmas material and for dessert, lavender! Smells like ....
second time We arranged for wymianke, I sent bunny, materialki and paper and got ..... CUDA!! Can full of fragrant gingerbread, cut the boots, which I liked so;) Christmas material, piece of paper, napkins ... I was pleased to like a child! So many beautiful things!
Magda Milmato surprised me is beautiful, the own-made a card and its characteristic Matrioshka
I also received gifts from the angels wymianki Lucina. Beautiful angels made crochet and candy and przydasie!!
Today too, has come to me with my shipping at Perfume win candy. Am I not lucky!
A was a gift from my dear Magda from the blog "in a pot of lavender" Every prezencik had included right middle note ... this should be accompanied by a card ... were delicious chocolate;)
and even enlarge a card! For me wonder!
advent calendar, and yet, thanks to the Polish and the Irish post office arrived from 'delay but uszczesliwil me very much. This miracle glue together and stuffed goodies Anne, no blog, but wanted to show you what makes this capable woman! Let me add that every year the calendar gets a surprise;)
in the snow, hid packets, one for each day of Advent
THANK YOU!! Thanks a lot!! I'm a lucky, YOU HAVE TO!
Accept me sweet, tiny gingerbread
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