Friday, October 29, 2010

Cydia Sources For Old Pokemon

Aaaaa .... help me

do not normally make. In the house a mess, my white curtains are gray, and even Persil, nor any like him Vanish with the strength of the waterfall did not renew their color, Mr. Zygmunt H. not give them advice.
Amid this mess, and I'm sitting like this marmot choose remnants of plaster and bricks from the board. Nightmare ....!

Only in the evening, somewhat under duress, I can create something. Today, three sheets to the wedding, even though done at a fast pace, never got too bad.

Behind them the first Christmas składaczki and a classic.

Tomorrow I wash two centimeter layer of dust, with everything in the house and from Sunday work! Holy, Holy, la la la:)


The first true "kopertówka")


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