Welcome to my little mish-mash! So what is happening with me in recent days.
Together with Frank we had a mass of salt. This is our first but not the last play of the weight! And the effects, they will have bunnies, lambs, eggs. Great fun Recommend!! Photos
before baking;)
Way execution, I found the mass ratio of
A anioloczki completely glued to the Farnka;) Zdolniacha my!
Some time ago I too was formed brooch, who flew to my mother on the day my grandmother;) kursik idea and I found in Kasi
I also did my First Matrioshka as a pendant to the keys;) only an inch of felt cotton Buzek;)
Will they definitely more;)
idea I found somewhere on the network;) niestyt not remember the address, (
And for dessert, very please my own sourdough bread first! It is divine, delicious and smells, ENJOY!!
recipe and way of implementation you can find here
. Once again, thank you Kasia for all four councils;)
And that ends this apetycznym akcenetm;)
imprezka on Sundays next birthday at my house this time, Frank! Yesterday I finished 4 years!
you very warm thanks for all four words concerning szaliczka;) In answer to your question, yes all szaliczki will be added soon and will be ready for purchase here, or by one galleries, with which we cooperate:) Also please be patient for a moment;)
tight embrace of the very spring of Ireland